Thursday, April 12, 2012

Journey to Publication

The journey to publication is different for everyone. With today's rapidly evolving publishing arena, options are open to emerging authors who are not afraid of taking the plunge into self publishing, now repackaged as Indie Publishing.

The stigma of self publishing is still alive. Many who work in traditional publishing continue to turn up their noses at Indie Publishers because the quality of the end product doesn't meet certain perceived standards.  It's true that there are many self published books that are less than perfect.  This was and still is for many, because of the cost involved in hiring talented editorial and copy editors, the cost of designing a brilliant cover, and the cost of having it professionally designed.

This is all changing at lightning speed. Yes there are still many Indie published books that are less than perfect but there are many that are very good and so affordable.

And don't overlook the small press, they are having a significant impact on bringing, often overlooked, great books to print.


The 2012 Indie Publishing Contest

And check out #indiechat on Twitter, Tuesday nights at 9:00.

Where is your publication journey taking you?

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