Laura Pauling knows how to write thrilling fiction. Her latest novel,
HEIST, continues the tradition. The inspiration for
HEIST came about because of her interest in the
1990 Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum Heist.
night Jack travels back in time to one of the world’s largest art thefts,
known as the Gardner Heist. Why that one moment in time? And what does
it mean for Jack?
When he returns, his world is different. His
best friend is rougher, meaner. His dad hasn’t been around in years. And
then there’s Jetta. The girl who took over his heart the moment she
stepped into his life. No one is safe.
Each time Jack goes back
to the heist to fix his mistakes, he returns to face the fallout.
Disaster strikes in the present until Jack must make a choice. His
family and his own happiness. Or the girl he loves. Except, he learns
that his sixth sense was right.
Someone has been watching him and wants him dead.
Pauling explains:
I love heists - any and all kinds: art theft, diamonds, bank
robberies, con stories…etc. Some of my favorite movies and books involve a
heist of some sort. So a few years back, I decided to write about one. But
which one?
I turned to my best friend in times like this - Google. I
plugged in the words, famous art heist. And on the very first page I found the
Gardner Heist. I still didn’t think much of it, but I clicked on it, and the
word, Boston, flashed on the screen. What? There was a famous heist in a museum
in a city near me? The decision was made.
Of course, I knew absolutely nothing about the museum or the
So, the research started. I read nonfiction books and
learned the ins and outs of the crime. It truly was fascinating. At that point
in time, the heist was coming on twenty years - and it had never been solved!
That hooked me even more.
This was an amazing opportunity for me. My books have been
set in Paris, Greece, Prague, and the ruins of the ancient Maya. I had to learn
what I could of those settings from blogs, books, Youtube videos…etc. It was
incredible to go to Boston, walk through the museum, stroll through the Public
Garden, ride the T - all settings in my story. Of course, soaking in the
atmosphere and scribbling down details I’d be sure to forget otherwise.
You’ll find all those details in Heist. Plus, you’ll walk
through details of one of the most famous art heists.
Interview 101 with Laura Pauling:
Have you always known
you wanted to be a writer?
No, I haven’t. I’d love to say I’m one of those writers that
wrote her first story when she was 3 months old. But, I’ve always loved a good
story. It wasn’t until I was home with my kids that I got the urge to create my
own. Before then, though, I always had a creative outlet. I loved putting
together small photo albums. I quilted - for a little bit, even finishing a
wall hanging. And I put a lot of time into the children’s ministry at my church,
planning events. The earliest creative memory I have is designing a line of
cards to sell in the neighborhood.
What’s a recent book
you’ve read that you absolutely loved? And what will you be reading?
What do you like to
do in your free time? Any other creative pursuits?
Right now, outside of writing, my time is spent with my
family and my kids. I enjoy hanging with them, especially because every time I
blink, they seem to get a year older. I still participate in my church,
co-leading the middle school youth group too.
Will there be a
sequel to Heist? Or will you be
working on something new?
Right now, Heist is
a stand-alone novel. If I were to write a sequel it would be from Jetta’s point
of view on one of the alternate time lines. When I hit this alternate time line
in Heist, I realized there was a lot
more to tell there. And, of course, other heists to write about.
I’m eagerly planning, plotting and outlining an adult
light-hearted romantic mystery. We’ll see what happens when the writing starts.
I’d love to turn it into a series.
Read an excerpt of
HEIST now!
At the bottom step, I hesitate. Moonlight reflects
off a metal napkin holder and a half-finished puzzle left out for customers.
It’s a small shop, and the faded smell of cinnamon clings to everything. Even
our upstairs apartment.
I breathe in the scent, drawing courage from all that
is familiar. Times like this I wish for Dad. He’d know what to do.
The floor creaks from the other side of the
My heart crawls into my throat, choking me. My knees
weaken and my sweaty hands slip on the handle of the bat.
Step up and be a man. Those were Dad’s words, spoken
into a telephone on the other side of the glass partition.
I think back to that day, the visit Mom knows nothing
about. The smeared glass, the stubble on Dad’s chin and the fierce look in his
eye that said he’d be outta there next week. But the next week turned into
months and then years.
As my eyes adjust, the vague outline of a man appears
in front of a painting on the wall. He reaches out and traces his finger down
the gilded frame.
My pulse pounds so loud against the inside of my
head, I can’t think. I stumble forward and raise the bat above my head. “Who’s
there?” My voice shakes.
With his back to me, the intruder hesitates, his
finger at the bottom of the frame. He doesn’t turn or flinch or seem to care
who’s behind him. His black suit is tailored to fit his body and much too fancy
for this time of night.
Sweat beads on my forehead and it feels like hours
before the man clears his throat to speak. My arms shake. I debate whether to
whack the guy in the legs with the bat and then take him out with one good
“You been behaving yourself, kid?”
I freeze. The bat drops with a thud.
The words, the tone of voice, remind me of lazy
spring afternoons when Stick and I would find my dad and uncle under the hood
of their latest piece-of-shit car. I can taste the cold iced-tea and homemade
cookies. I can feel the warm air against my face and smell the gasoline and
grease. That was when I was thirteen and thought my dad was perfect. At
sixteen, I know better.
Dad turns and steps forward, his thumbs
hooked into the pockets of his tuxedo. All suave and elegant, he looks like a
star from the old black and white movies Aunt Fiona watches. His parole is
tomorrow. Did they let him out early? Or did he break out?
Book & Author Details:
Heist by Laura Pauling
Genre: YA Psychological Thriller