Tuesday, October 25, 2011

NESCBWI 2012 Conference Invitation

You should be checking your mailboxes starting next week.
You've seen the front.

But ... if you turn it over...

You will see what's happening in April 20-22, 2012 at the
Sheraton Springfield
Monarch Place, Springfield, MA.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Calling All Illustrators! Ilustrators Day 11/19/2011

Casey Girard (your new Illustrator Coordinator) and Anna Boll (Northern New England Regional Advisor) are thrilled to announce Illustrator Day! 

When: Saturday, November 19, 2011 (I know it?s short notice. Quick, go sign up!) 
Time: 1:00-6:00 
Where: Emma Blood French Auditorium (The French Building) on the New Hampshire Institute of Art campus in Manchester, NH. 

NEW ~ PRIZES! That's right you could with some cool illustrator stuff.
Sketchbooks, drawing supplies, even a copy of Pocketful of Posies - A treasury of Nursery Rhymes By Salley Mavor

Registration: Click Here!

The schedule for Illustrator Day 2011 will be as follows: 
1:00-1:30 Registration 
1:30 Welcome 
1:45-2:45 Keynote: Salley Mavor, Golden Kite Winner 2011 
5 min break 
2:50-3:50 Carol Goldenberg, Award Winning Book Designer 
25 min snack break 
4:15-5:00 Repeat of Carlyn Beccia and Jennifer Morris' Digital Painting Duels from NESCBWI Spring 2011 Conference 
5 min break 
5:00-6:00 continued Digital Painting Duels 

You can find a map Here!

To register and for additional information follow this link: http://tinyurl.com/illustratorday-registration 

Registration Fees for SCBWI Members and Students: $50 all day Public Registration Fee: $75 all day.

Send your check to Anna Boll at 17 Rich Rd. Brunswick, ME 04011, or you can pay at the door. 

More questions? Anna: NorthernNERA@nescbwi.org or Casey: casey.girard@gmail.com

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Kickstart a Dream!

A close friend of mine, you may even know her, is looking for funding on Kickstarter.com to fund a fantastic middle grade book project. Check it out and think about giving!

Jennifer Carson

Jen's first book To Find A Wonder, was published by from LL Dreamspell.

Her second book Hapenny Magick, with help from wonderful supporters, will be published through Pugalicious Press.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Here it is! NESCBWI 2012 "Keeping it Real" Conferenece

I can only give you a glimpse of things to come but we did change things up.

Registration opens January 23, 2012. Get your manuscripts and agent quick queries ready! Deadlines for submitting for critiques close early for the upcoming conference due to the dates being in April.

Kudos to Jen Carson for all she's done with her work on the newest version of the postcard and in such a teeny-weenie amount of time.