Sunday, July 25, 2010

Back At It!

Vacation is winding down. The kids came home from camp yesterday. I've done seven loads of laundry and now I am catching up with blogs and email.

Dave and I had  great week in Maine!
We hung out with Ellen and Frank.

Dave swam in the ocean at Sebasco Bay.

He relaxed.

I relaxed.

We ate dinner with friends and watched the sunset.

It was glorious!

Then we repeated many of these activities for the rest of the week.

I recommend the following B&Bs for a little indulgence. Both fantastic places to stay for a little R&R (Rest and Romance). The Spouter Inn in Lincoln, ME and the Atlantic Ark Inn in Booth Bay.

It's summer, go have some fun!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Last Day of the BEST retreat ever!

As I write this, I'm looking out at Lake Champlain.

The fog glistens from a ray sun fighting it's way through the moist air. Not enough light for a rainbow today, maybe later when I'm on the ferry heading home.

Last night, shortly after midnight, I finished writing the novel I have been working on forever. I keyed in the last word. I realized that this word has a new meaning for me. Instead of running away, I run toward. I have faced all the demons of my adoption.

I want thank everyone at this retreat for their support. Go buy their books!

Jeannine Atkins

Julie Berry

Elizabeth Bluemle

Erin Dionne

Sibby Falk

Cindy Faughnan

Stephanie Gorin

Jennifer Groff

Sara Lewis Holmes

Joyce Johnson

Marjorie Light

Sarah Darer Littman

Cynthia Lord

Kate Messner

Jenny Moss

Joan Paquette

Susannah Paterson

Mona Pease

Peggy Thomas

Alyson Whatcott

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Swinger of Birches

I am so blessed to a part of this wonderful retreat for the first time. I was so nervous when I arrived on Sunday. It was like walking out of the locker room at middle school all over again. Would I get picked last for a team, or at all. 

Everyone here is amazing! I arrived later than most. the genuine welcomes from everyone were so warm and truly appreciated.

The words are flowing and I am two chapters from being completely done with my fifth and final draft of my YA novel.

The breeze from the lake is like distant applause, hedging me along to the finish line. This short break to blog is just away to step back from the raw emotion of writing some very difficult scenes. This novel takes place in numerous places in New York State. It's only fitting that I finish writing this book, sitting here in Upstate New York.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Countdown to Summer Camp for Mom!

Lately, time is not my friend. 

It refuses to slow down even though I am on summer vacation. Now that the July 4th weekend is gone, I need to have Monday back. I am scurrying to pack both kids for camp. 

I must have this done by Wednesday, even though they don’t leave until Sunday. Why? I have other commitments.

Even though I've tried very hard not to make any commitments for this summer, this one is for work, made last February when it was COLD. 

Off I must go at the crack of dawn on Thursday, then again on Friday. Spend two days of gorgeous summer weather sitting through this seminar.

Is it worth it? Yes it is.

Would I rather be sitting on beach or working in garden? 


Once I return, I have a day with my kids before they leave for summer camp. I will review their camp bins one last time and make sure each has adequate underwear for two weeks. 

Then I pack for me. I am off to four-day writing retreat on the shores of Lake Champlain.

Summer camp for mom!